


  • Type: Boolean
  • non-synced
  • Description: If true, the popup showes immediately after the component is mounted.


  • Type: Boolean
  • Description: If true, a close button will appear in the top right corner of the popup.
  • See: closeButton in Popup


  • Type: Boolean
  • Description: If true, the popup will closed when the map is clicked.
  • See: closeOnClick in Popup


  • Type: String
  • Description: A string indicating the part of the Popup that should be positioned closest to the Popup location. Options are 'top' , 'bottom' , 'left' , 'right' , 'top-left' , 'top-right' , 'bottom-left' , and 'bottom-right' . If unset the anchor will be dynamically set to ensure the popup falls within the map container with a preference for 'bottom'.
  • See: anchor in Popup


  • Type: Number | Object | Array

  • Description: A pixel offset applied to the popup's location.

    • a single number specifying a distance from the popup's location
    • a PointLike specifying a constant offset
    • an object of Points specifing an offset for each anchor position Negative offsets indicate left and up.
  • See: offset in Popup


  • Type: Array
  • Description: Popup coordinates in format [longitude, latitude]
  • See: setLngLat() in Popup


  • Type: Boolean
  • Description: If true content of the Popup treated as plain text
  • See: setText in Popup



  • Description: Slot for Popup content. Can be plain text, HTML or Vue component. If onlyText set to true content in this slot treated as plaint text.



  • Description: Fires when popup added on the map.
  • Payload { popup: Popup } Object with MapboxGL Popup object


  • Description: Fires when popup removed the map.
  • Payload { popup: Popup } Object with MapboxGL Popup object


  • Description: Fires when marker added on the map.
  • Payload { popup: Popup } Object with MapboxGL Popup object


  • Description: Fires when marker added on the map.
  • Payload { popup: Popup } Object with MapboxGL Popup object